The knowledge of the territory leads to excellent products

The awareness of the territory variability is crucial to obtain high-quality products. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the quantity and quality of the vegetation present in each production area. Thus, thanks to the AGER Coop company which uses sensors and positioning systems (GPS) to identify any lack of uniformity in the land, we are able to choose the most suitable measures to better manage the vegetative-productive differences inside each vineyard by means of remote sensors (satellite) or proximal devices (drones, quads) which help identify the variability of the photographed areas. Later, the area is characterized from a quantitative and qualitative point of view to draw up maps to be processed into prescription maps. Especially thanks to these maps of Vigoria, three macro areas with different qualitative and quantitative properties within each vineyard have been found: High Vigour (green), Medium Vigour (yellow) and Low Vigour (red).
Thus any lack of homogeneity within an area is first detected and then managed independently, by adapting the cultivation operations thanks to the innovative site-specific method. Manuring and the other treatments are carried out with variable-release machines which ensure the right application based on the needs of each plant. The manual harvest is performed according to a site-specific method, which includes the separation of the grapes based on the vigour of the macro areas. Moreover, also the other operations such as pruning, the canopy management, the soil processing and irrigation are planned area by area thanks to high-precision agriculture and the use of prescription maps: this helps us obtain top-quality wines from every area, preserving the environment and decreasing the production costs.