Tradition in innovation

The Mazzei ‘s  family, is strongly convinced that ”the tradition is possible only with innovation”; this explains the importance of research and innovation in agricultural, and in particular for us, in viticulture sector.

Precision farming and agriculture  is the only way to face the global market and the request from the consumer of sustainability; P.A allow to the farm to reduce pesticides, fertilizers, optimize and improve  the production process.

We believe that P.A allows to the workers to improve their specialization and a new method way to think and to work… much closer to Agriculture 4.0. Our first step in P.A was the use of ndvi map with remote sensor (by satellite and plane) to create map of all the vineyards, after we started to use proximity sensors with quad and drones, (mdvi index but also termal index, and volume of the canopy). All the data collected of the vineyards allow us to reduce fertilizer using VRA technology, create a map of the canopy volume (Crop Adaptation System) in order to calculate the adjusted dose of pesticides and water  to the leaf volume. We are still working for a new VRA seeder, it will be  able to work with  2 different type of mixture  of seeds; one for low and one for high vigourness area of the vineyards. With Precision Farming we are able to work with the telemetry that is the on line remote control of tractor, and the quality of the work done. From 2015 to 2017 we have analyzed the trend of consumptions, in comparison with the period 2008-2014 and we are very proud for the significant reductions of pesticides (-36%) costs (-26%) and water used for phytosanitary defense (-38%).