Rezos Brands S.A.

REZOS BRANDS S.A. is a food oriented Greek SME, founded in 1983, which is divided into 3 operational sectors:
Commercial, Distribution & Logistics: Main activity is the distribution and the development of national sales networks of imported and local food & beverages products, operating in the Greek market.
Farming: Investing in a multifunctional farm at Meteora in Central Greece, by adopting the vertical business model of super fruits cultivation: from the farm to the supermarket shelf.
European R&D: refers to the research activities carried out in order to upscale existing products and services, funded by various European programs and initiatives
REZOS BRANDS S.A. constantly growing sales, the steady workforce growth rate, the investment in strategic partnerships and infrastructure, and also the commitment to new prospects for further development and profitability, has categorized the company as one of the leading forces in a highly competitive market.