SPARKLE Project – Objectives

Objective 1. to increase “agripreunership” among students, entrepreneurs and academics,

Obj. 1.2. to enhance entrepreneruial thinking in farm sector,

Obj. 1.3. to enhance problem solving skills


Objective 2. to provide needs targeted entrepreneurial educational offer for Universities

Obj. 2.1. to guide academics and researchers on pedagogical strategies and tools that best address the educational needs of students and entrepreneurs in relation to PA technologies

Obj. 2.2. to improve synergies between educational offer of academia and farmers needs,

Obj. 2.3. to advance integration of sustainable PA and other disciplines,


Objective 3. to transform the agricultural sector into a SPA-oriented system.

Obj. 3.1. to build an innovative ecosystem of agripreuners and agri-technicians around agriculture and entrepreneurship.

The specific objectives will be achieved through actions, which are described in detail in the project methodology (II.1) and Work Packages (VI.I) sections.