Agribusiness and value chains

Agrifood systems are currently undergoing a rapid transformation driven by urbanization, globalization, diet diversification, concentration, and expansion of food markets and trade, among other underlying trends. Coping with these changes requires a broader systems perspective that emphasizes agrifood value chain coordination, value creation and the institutional setting in which value chains operate. This cannot be done without embracing agribusiness development.

The agribusiness sector, which comprises the business activities performed from farm to fork, is a major generator of employment and income worldwide and contributes to food security and nutrition. It covers the entire value chain, including the supply of agricultural inputs, the production and transformation of agricultural products, and their distribution to final consumers.

Seen as an engine for growth, agribusiness and its related industries are receiving increased attention in policies and strategies that aim to promote investments in agro-enterprises and agrobased value chain development. This has prompted a need for deeper understanding of the elements that form a conducive business climate, or enabling environment, for the development of agribusinesses.



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